Approximately 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men have been sexually abused or assaulted in the US, and ~20% of interpersonal violence (IPV) survivors experience an onset of psychiatric disorders. It can be daunting for IPV survivors to come forward and speak publicly about their experiences for many reasons, including fears of stigma and societal disbelief. It often takes just one person to tell their story for others to relate, feel understood, connect with resources, and even garner the confidence to do the same.
We’ve partnered with RAINN and 1in6 to share the stories of interpersonal violence survivors’ mental health experiences and their resilience in the face of often significant trauma. The stories highlight these individuals’ identification with ‘survivorship’, their enduring resilience and healing journeys. We are amplifying interpersonal assault survivors’ voices in an effort to destigmatize their experiences and empower others to connect with mental health resources and share their own stories in whatever way feels right.
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