Michael Ludin
Michael is a father, husband, and child advocate, and he describes himself as an agent of change. He grew up with family members targeting him for their sexual gratification and heir fury, and his childhood experiences is the embodiment and manifestation of his family’s criminality, their mental illnesses, incest, and more. He feels that once he connected with a therapist who specializes in trauma and abuse, things began to change for the better.
“It left me unable to trust, feel safe, vulnerable, and specifically unable to develop healthy sexuality.”
“My [healing] journey is at times painful and at times full of ‘aha!’ moments. I work hard at it, fully engaged. Once I connected with a trained therapist, specializing in trauma and abuse, things got scarier, but things also began to change for the better.”
“I thrive and I struggle; when I’m chill I take on more and when I’m triggered and stuck in a trauma-response cycle, my life and the lies of those around me is the tempest of chaos.”
“I’m not alone. I know it and i feel it. I know that I’m worthy of peace, of calm, and joy.“